Making Software – it ain’t what you do it’s the way that you do it!
MIT Mullingar are delighted to announce that Mr. Gerard Keena, our very own programming expert, will be giving a presentation entitled “Making Software – it…

The CAVE Future – Connected Autonomous Vehicle Electric
MIT Mullingar are delighted to announce that Mr. Jeffery Aherne motoring expert on will be giving a presentation entitled “The CAVE Future – Connected Autonomous…

Developing an e-Commerce strategy for Irish SMEs
MIT Mullingar are delighted to announce that Vinny O’Brien a leading Irish e-Commerce expert will be giving a presentation entitled “Developing an e-Commerce strategy…

Famous Software Failures – Are we learning the lessons?
MIT Mullingar are delighted to announce that Dr. Joe Timoney of Maynooth University will be giving a presentation entitled “Famous Software Failures – Are we learning…

The Robots are Coming!
MIT Mullingar are delighted to announce that Maebh Coleman will be giving a presentation entitled “The Robots are Coming!” on Tuesday 30th January in the…

The Secret to Really Generating Sales from Social Marketing
MIT Mullingar are delighted to announce that Mr. Conor Cochrane will be giving a presentation entitled “The secret to really generating sales from social marketing”…

Crucial Crowdfunding – Funding Business
MIT Mullingar are delighted to announce that Mr. Michael Ward of Mullingar Employment Action Group will be giving a presentation entitled “CRUCIAL CROWDFUNDING – Funding…

Artificial intelligence – Understanding IBM Watson (before it understands you…)
MIT Mullingar are delighted to announce that Mr. Eddie Daly of IBM Talent Management Solutions will be giving a presentation entitled “Artificial intelligence – Understanding…